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Creating Respectful Workplaces

Building an Inclusive Workplace for ALL

A respectful workplace is fundamental to a positive and productive work environment. It is a place where every individual feels valued, safe, and empowered. Respectful Workplaces training and policy is designed to establish and maintain a work environment free from all forms of harassment, violence, and discrimination.

We are committed to fostering a culture where employees can thrive without fear of intimidation, bullying, or any form of mistreatment. DCLK will outlines specific measures to prevent and address such behaviors, ensuring that all employees are treated with dignity and respect and train your leaders and engage your employees to sustain a culture of respect.

Appreciation to IFC and DFAT for collaborating to create respectful workplaces in Sri Lanka by empowering women, challenging gender stereotypes, and implementing policies that protect women from harassment and discrimination. This partnership has been committed to advancing gender equality through initiatives that promote a culture of respect, dignity, and fairness in Sri Lankan workplaces.

Invest in an Inclusive Work Culture

Our training provides a comprehensive framework for establishing and maintaining a respectful workplace culture in Sri Lanka. By combining a model Respectful Workplaces Policy with global best practices, participants will learn to effectively manage the risks of workplace violence and harassment.

The training emphasizes:

  • A survivor-centered approach to handling complaints

  • Ensuring that affected workers receive the necessary support and care.

  • Receiving disclosures, supporting involved parties, and conducting thorough investigations.

  • Developing both informal and formal resolution processes.

  • Determining appropriate actions based on the severity of incidents

A unique focus on active bystander interventions addresses a critical gap in Sri Lankan workplaces. By empowering employees to take action when witnessing or hearing about harassment, this training fosters a proactive culture of respect and accountability.

Overall, this training equips organizations with the tools and knowledge to create safe and inclusive work environments for all employees.

This program is ideal for company leaders who will be business sponsors, heads of HR and legal who will Implement effective systems to manage risks of violence and harassment. The training will cover comprehensive understanding of what respectful behaviour looks like, what ethical and fair reporting is, deciding on appropriate actions, supporting affected workers, conducting investigations, and active bystander interventions.

For all trainer profiles, costs, and details of training content, click the Sign up button below:

1. Respectful Workplaces Focal Point Training
2. Developing Respectful Workplace Champions

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Training Offerings:

Businesses that have benefited from our training programs